RIP Lou Lou 1993-2010

Come old girl and walk with me
One more time together.

Foreign smells and stuff all out of place.
I’ll be your eyes, I’ll hold your head.
But I wish I could avert my face.

I’ll stroke your muzzle, try to calm your fears.
I know it hurts, but not much longer.
Sorry if my voice is gruff, I think it’s from the tears.

With shrouded form and shovel…
Come old girl and walk with me
One more time alone.

2 Responses to “RIP Lou Lou 1993-2010”

  1. Troy Dill says:

    Love you man. You have an amazing ability to write! Keep it up.

  2. Troy Dill says:

    I wish that I could be there to walk with you Daniel, I feel your pain!!

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